Sammy smile10
Photo Contest

Join our Photo Contest!

If you have a special pic of your Roughdiamond Samoyed,
please email it to me with your comment.

I will publish it on this page and EVERYBODY can enjoy it and
HAS THE CHANCE to vote for your pic!

Every email-address can vote once per picture.
That means you can vote for different pictures if you can’t decide, but only once per pic!
(Please do not forget to write the picture’s name in your vote-email!)

The winning picture will receive a prize!!!

The best 12 pictures will be published in our first

“Roughdiamond Samoyeds Calender 2010”


                       Closing  for photo entries:    September 30th, 2009
                                   Closing  for votes:                October 31st, 2009


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Votes: 0

All grown up, Arwin is now bigger than Kona, but still cuddling together.

Roughdiamond’s Arwin-Micah on the right.
Owners: Barb and family  from Vancouver Island

If this is your favorite pic please click here and vote for: “Lounching”

Votes: 0

"That picture of me and Buddha/Casanova sleeping on the park bench was taken on Salt Spring Island. We had hiked along the water for a long time and we both felt so sleepy from exercising so much. Though he was tired, Casanova could have probably kept playing, but because he loves me so much he wanted to keep his mommy company. "

Roughdiamond’s Casanova-Buddha
Owners: Robin and Tiffany  from Surrey, BC

If this is your favorite pic please click here and vote for “Tuckered out”

Votes: 0

Taking a break from playing to have a cuddle together in the grass.

Roughdiamond’s Arwin-Micah as a puppy
Owners: Barb and family  from Vancouver Island

If this is your favorite pic please click here and vote for: “Break time”

Votes: 2

“See how my new big “sister” is teaching me to play in the mud?”

Roughdiamond’s Arwin-Micah on the right.
Owners: Barb and family  from Vancouver Island

If this is your favorite pic please klick here and vote for: “Muddy Buddy”

Votes: 0

“Arwin-Micah is helping me recover from the flu.”

Roughdiamond’s Arwin-Micah on the right.
Owners: Barb and family  from Vancouver Island

If this is your favorite pic please click here and vote for: “furry nurse”

Votes: 6

"Sure is a good thing he is cute"

“Chance  had been having fun hiding in a huge cedar bush we have that had a bunch of snow on it making a cave that he hid in.
He was not coming out for anyone, and so I just took a bunch of pictures, and that one is now my desktop. We love it!”.

Roughdiamond’s Came by Chance
Owners: George & Tracy from Kelowna, BC

If this is your favorite pic please click here and vote for: “cave dweller.”

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