This is our previous webpage. Here you may find additional information and tons of pictures of our Sammies.
 (Duschka and Ayla - Camping at the Ocean in Summer 07)
 (Roughdiamonds Canim on the left)
If you are looking for a reliable, responsible, experienced and caring
DoggyWalking Service in the Lower Mainland.............
THAT is the address you want to check out: http://walkiesdogwalking.ca
An informative webpage, where you also find our Kennel. We would appreciate if you write a review of our kennel and your experience with us and the Roughdiamonds at: www.k9ring.com 
Other Samoyed breeders, which you might like to check out:
Freya Ruppert-Bodmann, Germany (Smiling Snow Star) Owner of our girl Roughdiamonds' Ajuma Breeder of our boy Magnum of Smiling Snow Star
Andrea Aicher, Schwitzerland (Arctic Aivic) Owner of our girl Roughdiamonds Beryll
www.crisandi.com Chris Botbijl, Keremeos, BC, Canada (Crisandi)
Owner of TNT' Ways Spirit in the SKY (Stud dog for our A- and B-litter) and Dad of our girl Roughdiamonds Ayla Owner of our boy Roughdiamond's Blazing Trails (Blaze)
Michelle Edmondson, Delta, BC, Canada (Luminous)
